
Showing posts from April, 2019

chapter 17


ignite talk

My topic is how can I help my daughter developed more and be smart? During my weekends I read each day a book to my daughter and she trying to speak.If you read  to kids they would try to pronouns it.In this class we do different ways to learn things and be smart and i want to teach my daugther in a different way as well.

chapter 16


chapter 15

john threatens the very bedrock of world state society john trys to save the delta from slaverythey love helmhotlz cry"men at last!" dolychocephalic male twins-head longer

chapter 14


My Big question

Today I found that their studies that children are more smarter then childrens who don't read. Here's how I did it was good but i didn't have to much time because I did my chapter.

chapter 13

henry invites lenina to a feely but lenina refuses the invitation of henry and rhe  he eagers to know who lenina is having sex with instead of henry but he is not jealous  he just wants to know who she is sleeping with but lenina said she doesn't have no one

Chapter 12

bernard make a party but he onky invites the important people. He says "this is a time you well meet the savage" to the people. He told john to get out of thr room to mert the people but he refused. which led to bernard being humiliated and shy because john didnt want to show up. Alot of people were waiting but the most important people left disappointed but then lenina was sad because she wanted to see john omce more to ask why he was strangle the other time they saw eachother. John meet a boy name helmholtz but bernard is not cool with the friendship they started.Bernard is jealous and wishes that john would have never met helmholtz.John reads to helmholtz a poety from the passage of romeo and juliet and helmholtz laughs about  it and john is serious and closes the book.

Chapter 11


book club of one

In my opinion it does help me understand more to the story because I am a reading but some part I dont get. When we all talk about it in class I take notes and I write them and I understand more to the story and remember more thing when we talk about it.It feels good to know I am not the only one who sometimes doesn't understand  a little of the book.

chapter 10

if they want to talk to john they need to go throught bernerd the dictor is humiliated no one care about lenina because they don't know her  bernard made a public announcement  in front of the high caste  they made dozens of babies john is upset with linda  linda said that the dictor gots her pregnant and made her have the child


I really wamt to learn how to read perfect and understand vocabulary. That's my mine goal in this class to be ablw tp keep readong butv better from what I am already.

Chapter 9 brave new world
